Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

Modals in the Past Form

Modals in the past are :
v Could.
v Might.
v Would.
v Should.

The formula of Modals in the past form :
Ø To offer Suggestion or Possibilities.
Example :
Cika : “I’m having trouble with math.”
Riko : “Why you don’t ask Kiki? Perhaps she could help you.”
Ø To indicate that ability existed in the past but doesn’t exist now.
Example :
Santi : “Nik, can you climb the mango tree?”
Niko : “Well, I could climb the mango tree when I was so young, but I think I’m too heavy to climb it.”
Ø For an action that was repeated regulary in the past.
Example :
Ani : “What did you do on holidays?”
Risma : “I would visit my grandparents and my other family in the village, but how not anymore.”
Ø Insert rather into the pattern and use this expression to express preferences.
Example :
Jerry : “What would you rather do in weekend, go to the party or stay at home?”
Lita : “I would rather stay at home than go to the party.”
Ø To express polite request.
Example :
Mr. Willy : “Would you mind posting the letter?”
Reva : “No, not at all.”
Ø To give definite advice.
Example :
Mother : Neva, you should study tonight. You will have math test tomorrow, won’t you?”
Neva : “I will, Mom.
Ø To tell possibilities
Example :
Dina : “Why is Riko taking the bus to get home?”
Rita : “He might get a flat time.”
Ø To express polite request.
Example :
Dimas : “Might I borrow your book?”
Vera : “Yes, of course.”

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